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The Sims 4 Latest Patch Notes are Now Available!

For those of you anticipating the upcoming Businesses & Hobbies expansion, but for whom even trailers can’t quite whet your appetite, you’ll be glad to know that new patch notes are now available! These give us some great new additions for the 25th anniversary celebrations, the return of an unwelcome familiar face and more in The Sims 4 latest patch notes!

So, let’s dig in!

Back in black (and white stripes)

Perhaps one of the most anticipated additions is that of the Burglar. These shifty Sim will try to make off with your most valuable assets, but you can either install a burglar alarm or try to take them into custody yourself before they make off with their ill-gotten gains!

A picture of a burglar alarm on a dark grey wall in a suburban house. It is lit up with a faint red ring around it.
Batteries not included

Heist Havoc

The new challenge also focuses on the Burglar, and sees you attempting to deal with a constant influx of thieving Sims that’ll plague you night in and day out. So you’ll want to beef up your home security ahead of trying to establish your new home!

Speaking of tattoos…

Yes, body art sometimes gets a bad rap, but we’re more cultured aren’t we? And if you want to have extra customisation options to give your tattoos a bit more pep you can now use Hue, Saturation, Opacity, and Brightness sliders to alter them just as you would with makeup.

A picture of a man in a blank space with tattoos on his back. There is a menu of icons, and picture of other men's backs on the right bearing alternative tattoos.
It’s a botch job, that was supposed to be a dragon

25 Years will give you such a crick in the neck-

Now, for rapid-fire additions! We’ve got a new Embroidered Crewneck and Plumbob Hoodie for you to dress up your Sims with, and new colours for the humble countertop to help spice up your kitchen extravaganza!

More than that, Mentorships are getting an overhaul with new skills your Sims can mentor or be mentored in, and you’ll be able to select mentoring directly from Skill objects too! Additionally, when travelling you’ll be able to spot where your Sim already is in Neighbourhoods or World view.

A picture of two people with pale skin, one is a middle-aged man the other is a young girl. The man is teaching the young girl to use a computer with hand gestures.
Not sure how holding an invisible vase is supposed to help

That’s on top of Creator Kits, fixes and more, oh my! So jump in and try them out, because all this and more builds up a great base for Businesses & Hobbies; or check out the full patch notes for all the fixes included.

Written By

A lifelong Maxis fan who grew up with SimCity 3000 and the lesser-known DS titles in the Sims catalogue, Iwan brings the obscure knowledge of things that have been and will be when it comes to The Sims.

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