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PSA: Master Chef Aspiration Currently at its Easiest due to Blast From The Past Event

The Sims 4 Blast from the Past

Just a quick note to all of our readers. Currently the Blast From The Past event that’s running in The Sims 4 counts as an ongoing, in-game event. This means that certain aspirations are easier to achieve in game.

That means that those of you who are currently trying to take your Sim through the Master Chef Aspiration will find it much easier to complete certain challenges. Challenges such as the “Cook 3 Gourmet Dishes at a Single Event” one, which comes alongside “Reach Level 8 of the Culinary Career” and “Achieve Level 4 Gourmet Cooking Skill”.

The reason for this is that the Blast From The Past event uses the same in-game system as Dinner Parties, and the like. This means that, while it is active in game, you’re technically attending an event, even if it isn’t a timed catering one. If you have completed the event already then you can also wait until next week, when the next chapter begins.

We’re sure that this’ll be patched out shortly, in the meantime though, this is a really great way to accelerate along the Master Chef aspiration path and nab some quick purchases from the Rewards Store.

The Blast from The Past event runs for the next two weeks, and is now halfway through its run as part of the 25th Anniversary Celebrations of The Sims franchise. This celebration saw new events coming to The Sims 4, The Sims FreePlay and more. It also heralded the re-release of The Sims 1 & The Sims 2, and coincided with the announcement of the next Expansion Pack: The Sims 4: Businesses & Hobbies.

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Dann's been playing Maxis' Sim games since their Step-Sister brought around SimCity 2000 on their SNES. Since then they've not only been an avid fan of everything Sims (and The Sims), but sold them, modded them and is now... running a site about them!

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