With the release of the hotly-anticipated Sims 4 expansion Businesses & Hobbies just around the corner, I don’t blame you for eagerly eating up every titbit of information we’ve got about it. Fortunately, then, we’ve had a major glut of it as the most recent Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies livestream showcases plenty of new features that we’ve already heard about but hadn’t seen in action!
Of course we’ve read about many of these features, and caught tiny glimpses of them during trailers, but this hour-plus livestream gives us a great overview of how they interrelate, and reveals some fun surprises too!
L is for the way you Look at me-
The livestream was hosted by Sims team members Mersea and Scott, who some of you will likely recognise from previous community outreach. And it showcases the story of budding entrepreneurs Zach Love and Hori Taro with their combination pottery and tattoo business Ink & Clay (hey, if it sells, it sells). Zach and Hori are working to make the best business possible, and as you might expect that gives us a granular look at things like expenses, planning and other aspects that go into running your dream enterprise.
Taking us through some of the new features, such as Zach’s idealist attribute and the over 2.2 million possible combinations of 76 activities you can feature in your business (just in the base game and expansion alone) we also get to know their newest hire Maeve, who happens to boast the Shady trait and might have some illicit contacts for speciously-legal wares.
Business troubles
As you might expect the Shady and Idealist traits are polar opposites and can’t be applied to the same Sim – however, both are at play due to the employee system. We get to see the daily lives of our starring trio – helped by the narration of Mersea – as we explore how activities like tattooing and pottery work, or can even go wrong if your Sims aren’t skilled enough!
We get to learn more about meetups and lectures, and how your Sims can increase their skills in certain activities even if they aren’t running businesses based on them (hey, it’s called Businesses AND Hobbies). So even if Maeve isn’t interested in pottery, maybe writing will sway her from her shady ways?

Cat Burglar
Naturally, we also get a look at the Burglar in action, as Robin Banks sneaks into the business-slash-home of our intrepid trio, nicking their enormous tv and showing how this thief will hone in on your most valuable assets.
That’s on top of an in-depth exploration of many of the new skills and activities, some previews of build mode and plenty of behind-the-scenes info from other members of the team! Suffice it to say this is definitely worth a watch if you’re excited about the upcoming Business & Hobbies expansion.
A lifelong Maxis fan who grew up with SimCity 3000 and the lesser-known DS titles in the Sims catalogue, Iwan brings the obscure knowledge of things that have been and will be when it comes to The Sims.